Legal Policies

Backup Policy

Date of last revision: January 25, 2023

1. Purpose

The purpose of this backup policy is to outline the guidelines and procedures for backing up WordPress websites managed by PrettyWP (“We/Us/Our”). The policy ensures that website backups are taken on a daily basis, stored securely on the S3 Cloud Server, and retained for a period of 30 days. Additionally, backups will be created before every major task to minimize the risk of data loss or website downtime.

2. Backup Schedule

     2.1. Daily Backups: A full backup of each managed WordPress website will be performed once every 24 hours.
     2.2. Backup Timing: The backup process will be scheduled during non-peak hours to minimize the impact on website performance.

3. Backup Storage

     3.1. Secure S3 Cloud Server: All website backups will be stored on a secure S3 Cloud Server provided by a reliable cloud storage provider (AWS).
     3.2. Encryption: Backups will be encrypted using industry-standard encryption algorithms to ensure data security during transmission and storage.
     3.3. Access Control: Access to the backup storage will be strictly controlled and limited to authorized personnel only.

4. Retention Period

     4.1. Backup Retention: Website backups will be retained for a period of 30 days.
     4.2. Rotation Policy: After 30 days, the oldest backup will be deleted to make room for the most recent backup. This rotation policy ensures backups are kept within the designated storage capacity limits.

5. Backup Before Every Task

     5.1. Task Backup: Before performing any major task, such as updating plugins, and themes, or making significant changes to the website configuration, a backup will be taken to ensure the ability to restore the site to its previous state if necessary.
     5.2. Verification: The integrity and usability of the backup will be verified before proceeding with the task, ensuring that a valid and usable backup is available.

6. Disaster Recovery

     6.1. Notification: Before deleting a website, changing the password or changing a host, the team must be notified within 30 days so that we can keep the backup of your site. After 30 days, all backups will be removed as stated in the policy.
     6.2. Documentation: Detailed documentation will be maintained, including backup procedures, restoration processes, and contact information for the responsible team members.

7. Incident Response

In the event of a data loss, website deletion or website failure, please follow these steps within 30 days:

     7.1. Notification: The team responsible should be promptly notified of the incident.
     7.2. Investigation: The cause of the incident will be identified, and appropriate actions will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.
     7.3. Restoration: The most recent valid backup will be restored to recover the website to its last known good state.

8. Compliance and Auditing

The backup policy will be periodically reviewed and audited to ensure compliance with relevant security standards and industry best practices. Any necessary updates or improvements will be implemented to enhance the effectiveness of the backup process.

By following this Backup Policy, we aim to minimize the risk of data loss, ensure business continuity, and provide a reliable backup and recovery solution for the WordPress websites we manage.

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